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Valuation services


Who is it aimed at?

Have you inherited a library and want to know its value? Do you have one or more paintings that you want to appraise? Do you have a book or manuscript that you think may be valuable? Do you need advice on how to sell?

You have inherited a library, a series of valuable books or paintings and you want to know their value with a view to selling or distributing them, but you don’t know where to go. Don’t worry, you’re in the right place. Send us some general photos of the things you want to appraise. Once we receive the photos we will assess whether it is worth doing an appraisal. If we consider that it is not worth doing an appraisal, we will let you know at no cost to you. If, on the other hand, your items are valuable, we will give you an estimate depending on the number of items, their complexity and the cost of travel if necessary.

Bibliophiles and collectors

Is it time to start selling your library or collection and you want to know its market value? Contact us, send us photos and information and we will send you a valuation estimate. We can help you find the best way to sell your collection or library; sale management, auctions, direct sales to institutions and collectors, etc…

Valuation reports
Have you suffered a flood and your insurance company is asking for a valuation of your library? We’ll take care of it. We are professionally registered and belong to AILA (International Antiquarian Library Association) and ILAB (International League of Antiquarians).

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What will I receive?

For books, manuscripts and paintings of high value:
A detailed report where you will find two valuations for each item; a minimum value below which we advise against selling the item and a market value below which we advise against the sale of the item and a market value which indicates the price that the item could fetch in a sale to a that the item could fetch in a sale to a collector or institution.

For large libraries, archives and collections:
For libraries with hundreds or thousands of books we offer the possibility of an appraisal of the combined value of the books. appraisal of the joint value of the books or objects by presenting a report that includes the most valuable aspects of the most valuable aspects of the collection.

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Assessment criteria and code of ethics

As booksellers and gallery owners with more than 30 years of experience in the sector, we are constantly buying and selling at auctions, to other professionals and on our own, so we know the international book, manuscript and art market perfectly well. We have access to a multitude of databases where we can see auctions of past auctions, history of books sold and books currently for sale, so our valuations will always be a true reflection of the reality of the market.

You are in the buying and selling business, how can I know that your valuation is not going to be low so that you can get my collection at a good price?
Because this is a service we have been offering for more than 30 years and we charge for it. Our profit is in the money we get for the valuation and in the satisfaction of a client who trusts us.

Do you charge according to the value of the objects?
No. Unlike other valuers, we believe that it is unethical to do it this way as the valuer would be inclined to raise prices and would end up offering an unrealistic valuation. We always give an estimate in advance based on the number of items to be valued, their complexity and the cost of travel if necessary.


I have your valuation, now I want to sell

Let’s get down to work. After having studied your library or collection we can advise you and help you to sell it. To carry out the sale we will look for the best option depending on the object to be sold. Specialised auctions, direct purchase, sale management, private sale to institutions and collectors…

We are constantly buying and selling all over the world, so we can find a good client for your collection. Shall we start?

Get in touch with us

You can contact us with the utmost discretion and confidence. If you have any doubts about an object or piece, our team will reply within 24 hours. You can attach a photograph or image so that we can make a more accurate assessment and we will be happy to answer you.